Neck Liposuction with Renuvion

  • The revolutionary J-Plasma Renuvion is a minimally invasive procedure that uses sub-dermal cold plasma energy to instantly tighten and lift skin. Until recently, no surgical procedure could achieve significant skin tightening without an extensive recovery. It is a great way to achieve the youthful look you are searching for without a complicated surgery or major incisions.

    What areas can be treated with Renuvion (J-Plasma)?
    Whether liposuction is used in conjunction with Renuvion, this treatment can be used all over the body wherever you have skin that you would like to lift and tighten. Most popular areas treated include double chin (submental) and abdomen.

    How many Renuvion treatments will I need?
    Renuvion (J-Plasma) is a single treatment. You will see results immediately after surgery, and the skin will continue to tighten for several months up to a year as new collagen is produced and the skin remodels.

    What is the recovery for Renuvion (J-Plasma)
    After the procedure, you will be given a compression garment to wear. Immediately after the procedure, you should expect mild swelling and bruising. After a week or two, this should start to fade, leaving you with the skin you have been seeking.

  • Radiofrequency skin tightening is such a popular skin tightening option because results appear in two waves:
    •An immediate skin contraction and improvement in skin texture and firmness that takes shape within just a few days.
    •Long-term, gradual tightening and continued skin quality improvement over several months as swelling minimizes and your body creates new collagen in the area.

    You can expect to start getting excited about noticeable results after a month or two—and these results should last for a long time to come. That’s because Renuvion triggered natural tissue remodeling and collagen-building in the area. Your results will not wear off; rather, you’ll enjoy a younger look and hit rewind on the aging process. Because the natural aging process will continue, many patients opt for maintenance treatments once a year or so to keep their youthful look for years.

  • For 2023 you can expect to spend at least $5,220 for Liposuction of the Neck and Jowls.

    ***Disclaimer: This information is only an approximation and not a guarantee of final costs. Pricing provided is merely an estimate of starting costs and are subject to change.

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We’d love to chat with you about Double Chin (Submental) Liposuction and Neck Tightening. We will help you explore your minimally invasive options at Pearl Plastic Surgery. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

“Had renuvion treatment on my double chin. Really excited about the results! Two weeks out from the procedure and I have almost a 90° angle chin line which I've never had in my life!”
- 2022 Liposuction of Neck and Jowls with Renuvion Patient

”I'm not afraid to admit that this old barn needed a new coat of paint. The doctor and all his associates did an awesome job. I highly recommend this office.”
-2022 Liposuction of Neck and Jowls with Renuvion


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