Eyelid Lift Surgery

  • An eyelid surgery also known as a blepharoplasty is a procedure that removes excess tissue of the upper and lower eyelids. This procedure is suitable for those who have sagging eyelid skin. It is specific to each patient depending on their needs.

    The ideal candidate for a blepharoplasty is someone who:
    •Physically healthy
    •Doesn’t smoke
    •Is bothered by the appearance of sagging eyelid skin
    •Has eyelid skin impairing their vision
    •Has not been lactating or nursing for 6-12 months

  • Come prepared to discuss any questions you may have during the consultation as well as:
    •Your goals for this procedure
    •Current medications, allergies, drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption
    •Personal and family health history such as diabetes, cancer, anemia, lung or heart problems
    •Previous surgeries

    During the consultation we will:
    •Examine and take photos of your face
    •Discuss incisions
    •Evaluate your overall health and any pre-existing health conditions
    •Discuss how the procedure is performed and what your likely outcome will be
    •Talk about any risks or potential complications
    •Explain post operative instructions

    Prior to your procedure we may ask you to:
    •Pick up any medications needed for after your surgery
    •Stop smoking
    •Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs that can increase bleeding
    •Have pre procedural testing done if you have pre-existing health conditions

  • During your consultation the risks and possible complications of having surgery will be discussed.

    Some possible risks that you may have questions about are:
    •Swelling and bruising
    •Bleeding from incision lines
    •Dryness of the eyes
    •Poor healing of incisions
    •Sensitivity to light
    •Difficulty closing your eyes
    •Outward rolling of the eyelid
    •Temporary or permanent change in vision, in very rare cases chance of blindness
    •Changes in skin sensation
    •Possible need for revision surgery
    •Unfavorable scarring

  • There are two different types of blepharoplasties; upper and lower lid. Dr. Nichols will discuss the incision lines and procedure depending on the specific needs of the patient.

    This procedure is done so that the resultant scars will be well concealed by the natural structures of the eyelid region.

    Upper eyelids can be corrected with an incision that follows the natural crease of the eyelid. For lower blepharoplasties the incision can be made to follow the lower lash line. Excess tissue is removed and the incision sites are closed.

    After the tissue is removed and or placed in its new position and the incisions are closed using removable sutures. The ends of the sutures will be adhered to the skin above the eye using steri strips. The patient will need to come back after five days to have these removed.

  • Medications are administered during the procedure for the patient’s comfort. Local anesthetics will be used to numb the area. Dr. Nichols will recommend the best options for you.

  • Immediately following your procedure bacitracin will be applied to the incisions. You will be given specific instructions on how to care for your incisions and activity restrictions.

  • Blepharoplasty results will appear gradually over time as the swelling and positing subside. You will be left with better defined eyelids and a rejuvenated appearance.

  • For 2023 you can expect to spend at least $3,300 for an Eyelid Lift Surgery.

    ***Disclaimer: This information is only an approximation and not a guarantee of final costs. Pricing provided is merely an estimate of starting costs and are subject to change.

“My hooded eyes bothered me. I interviewed 3 other doctors. He was THE ONE. Pain free, honest, supportive and reasonable. Good people. Gave me ME back.”
-2021 Eyelid Lift Patient


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